• Fincham Nature Reserve


    The Fincham Parish Nature Reserve is situated about a mile from the A1122, on the left hand side of Black Drove.

    The reserve has a small pond at its centre, and is surrounded by woodland, where the grass is left as a meadow for wild flowers to grow. This reserve is a diverse habitat for wildlife, including many species of both native and non-native birds.

    The Parish Council hopes to soon obtain grant funding to replace some of the bird nesting boxes at the reserve, and further improve the area.

    We would like to encourage residents to visit the reserve over the spring and summer months and send us your thoughts, as well as any suggestions you might have about how we could improve the area to make it an even more diverse wildlife habitat.

  • St Martin’s Church

    the church today
    The church today.
    The Church can be seen in this old photograph taken outside the Royal Oak
    The church can be seen in this old photograph taken outside the Royal Oak.
    St Martin's at night.
    St Martin’s at night.



  • The Way We Were – History in Pictures

    the way we were 2

    Opposite the Swan pub
    Opposite the Swan pub
    High Street
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